Muumi (Comic Book) is a Finnish comic book that has been published since 1991, with 12 issues released per year. Initially, it was published by Kustannus Oy Semic, which is now part of Egmont Kustannus Oy Ab. The Comic Book is simultaneously published in Finland, Sweden, and Norway.
At first, the stories were based on Tove Jansson’s original tales, but over time, the Comic Book has aligned more with the Moominvalley animated series.
Muumi (Comic Book) is aimed at preschool-aged children, and the target audience is carefully considered in the comic stories. The production and illustration of new stories have primarily been a Nordic effort. In the early years, Lars Jansson reviewed the scripts and artwork of the comics.
Muumi [FIN]: 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | Muumi [FIN] (Album) | Making of | Muumi [FIN] (comic book) artists | Muumi [FIN], 10 yrs |
Muminmagasinet [SWE]: 1993 | 1995 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | Muumitrollet [NOR]: 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | Mummintrollet [DK] |
Outside this site: Muminmagasinet/GCD [SWE] | Mummintrollet/GCD [NOR] | Mummitrollet/ [DK] |
Muumi-piirtäjät Ilkka Ruokola ja Jari Rasi
Julkaisu: Muumi [FIN] (Comic Book) #2/2002 sivu 59. Väri.
Ilkka Ruokola ja Jari Rasi ovat Muumipeikon ja kaikkien muumilaaksolaisten hyviä tuttavia. Päivittäinen ystävyys alkoi noin 9 vuotta sitten, kun Jari Rasi ryhtyi piirtämään Muumi-sarjakuvia kokopäiväisesti. Arkkitehitoimistossa työskentelevä Ilkka Ruokola heittäytyi Muumi-piirtäjäksi hieman möhemmin.
– Alkuvuosina jokainen sarjakuva vietiin Lars Janssonin tarkastettavaksi. Kun astui taloon, jossa Tove ja Lars olivat molemmat asuneet, tunsi siirtyvänsä eri maailmaan, kertovat piirtäjät.
Nyt jo liki kymmenen vuoden kokemuksella ja sormien “muumikovettumilla” luontuvat Muumihahmojen sommittelut paperille jo melkoisella varmuudella.
Päivät muumien parissa eivät kuitenkaan piirtäjiämme kyllästytä. Lempihahmokseen Jari Rasi luonnehtii Nuuskamuikkusen, joka viihtyy samojen asioiden parissa kuin piirtäjä itsekin: luonnossa ja liikunnan parissa. Ilkka Ruokola kertoo lapsena pitäneensä erityisesti Nuukkamuiskusesta, mutta nykyään viehättää Nipsu, ihmeellisine heikkauksineen.
Moomin Artists Ilkka Ruokola and Jari Rasi!
Published in: Moomin [FIN] (Comic Book) #2/2002, pg 59. Color.
Ilkka Ruokola and Jari Rasi are good acquaintances of Moomintroll and all the residents of Moominvalley. Their daily friendship began about nine years ago when Jari Rasi started drawing Moomin comics full-time. Ilkka Ruokola, who worked at an architecture firm, became a Moomin artist a bit later.
“In the early years, every comic was submitted for Lars Jansson’s approval. When you stepped into the house where both Tove and Lars had lived, it felt like entering a different world,” the artists recount.
Now, with nearly ten years of experience and “Moomin calluses” on their fingers, the arrangement of Moomin characters on paper comes with considerable confidence.
However, days spent with the Moomins don’t bore the artists. Jari Rasi describes Snufkin as his favorite character, as they share similar interests: being in nature and enjoying physical activities. Ilkka Ruokola says that as a child, he especially liked Snufkin, but nowadays he finds Sniff, with his peculiar quirks, particularly charming.
Copyright © 2024 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: December 11, 2024. Last updated: December 12, 2024 at 3:10 am