The Misc Bible Files
| Illiterate Jesus | Biblical History | The Serpent of Eden | The Bible | The Twelve Apostles | Centre Place CA | Religion for Breakfast | Yale Courses | The Naked Archeaologist | Miscs | Quran |
According to the Jewish historian Josephus there were actually quite a few guys who people thought might be the messiah walking around Judea roughly around about the same time as Jesus. Simon the Magician (20–60 CE), or Simon bar Kokhba (90–135 CE). None of them succeeded. They all failed. They were all killed, and can you really be the messiah if you don’t achieve anything which is why the vast majority of Jews in the middle of the first Century don’t follow Jesus. Because a messiah was not supposed to die on a cross executed by the Romans.
Marketing the Messiah (April 28, 2021). Narrated/Directed/Written by Cameron ReillY
- See more, List of Jewish messiah claimants (Wikipedia)
Over the last century, New Testament scholars have examined the New Testament word by word to tease apart the true history from accepted tradition. This light-heated but factual film is telling the “true” story of early Christianity with the help of twelve biblical scholars, Renaissance masterpieces and humorous animation. It’s neither a film about faith nor a film attacking or making fun of Christianity. It’s an honest attempt to piece together a very complex and fascinating story that everyone will enjoy.
This video is private
See also, The Naked Archaeologist
A Brazilian mocumentary about the life of Jesus (an age-restricted video)
Read more, The Edge of Theocracy, subs
What if it could be proven that Jesus never existed? What if there was evidence that every word of the New Testament is based on myth and metaphor?
The Pagan Christ:
- 0:03:26. The Birth of Jesus
- 0:05:15. Tom Harper
- 0:09:51. The Gospels
- 0:15:15. The Story of Jesus
- 0:16:31. Ancient Egypt
- 0:16:58. The Ancient Pagan World
- 0:21:15. The Coptic Museum
- 0:21:58. St. Mark’s Church
- 0:27:07. The Gnostics
- 0:27:11. The Nice Seeing Creed
- 0:33:54. The Vatican
- 0:38:35. Gospels
- 0:43:43. The Staging of the Resurrection of Jesus
Copyright © 2022 Heart-Attack-Series, Ink!
Created: Dec. 4, 2022. Last updated: December 25, 2024 at 19:58 pm