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Bible contradictories

The Bible has several contradictory passages all the way.

  • Yahweh created plants, then animals, then humans (male and female together) (Gen 1:1–31)
    • Yahweh created a male human first, then plants, then animals, then the female human (Gen 2:4B–25)
  • People already worshipped Yahweh by name before the flood (Gen 4:26)
    • People only stated to worship Yahweh by name after he revealed it to Moses (Ex 6:3)
  • Human life span is limited to 120 years (Gen 6:3)
  • The duration of the flood was 40 days (Gen 7:4,12,17)
    • The duration of the flood was 150 days (Gen 7:24, 8:3)
  • The animals on the ark were two of each type (Gen 6:19)
    • They were only two in terms of the unclean animals but seven pairs were to be taken from the clean animals (Gen 7:2–3)
  • The people of the Earth had their own languages before the tower of Babylon incident (Gen 10:15)
    • The people all spoke one language until after the tower of Babylon incident when Yahweh confused their speech (Gen 11:1–9)
  • Abram was 70 years old when his Terah died (Gen 12:7)
    • Abram was 135 years old when Terah died (Gen 11:26,32)
  • Ishmael was an infant when Hagar carried him into the desert (Gen 21:14–18)
  • When Jacob fled from his home he was 40 years old (Gen 26:34; 28:5)
  • Jacob was renamed as “Israel” by God east of the Jordan at peniel (Gen 32:23)
    • Jacob was renamed as “Israel” by God west of the Jordan at Beth el (Gen 35:10)
  • The number and chronology of the plagues (Ex 7–11)
  • The exodus occured after a stay of 60–120 years in Egypt (Gen 15:16)
    • The exodus occurred after a stay of 400 to 430 years in Egypt (Gen 15:13; Ex 12:40)
  • The sea was crossed after Yahweh caused a strong East wind to blow (Ex 14:21)
    • The sea was crossed after Moses parted the water to from two walls (Ex 14:23)
  • The names and number of the tribes (Gen 49)
    • A contradictory list of names/number of the tribes (Num 1)
    • A contradictory list of names/number of the tribes (Deut 33)
    • A contradictory list of names/number of the tribes (Josh 19)
    • A contradictory list of names/number of the tribes (Judg 1)
    • A contradictory list of names/number of the tribes (Judg 5)
  • The routes taken and the itineraries of the exodus in the Sinai peninsula (Ex 13–17)
    • Alternative and contradictory construals of the desert wanderings (Num 10–33)
  • The wording of the Ten Commandments (Ex 20:1–17)
  • Yahweh himself wrote down the law (Ex 34:1)
    • It was not Yahweh but Moses who wrote it down (Ex 34:27)
  • The name of the mountain of God where the law was given was Sinai (Ex 3:1)
    • The name of the mountain of God where the law as given was Horeb (Ex 19:1)
  • During the exodus and the wandering in the wilderness Israel was commanded to sacrifice to Yahweh (Ex 3:18 and passim)
    • Yahweh never asked the Israelites to sacrifice to him when they left Egypt and were living in the desert (Jer 7:22–23)
  • The time when the ark of the covenant was constructed (Deut 10:3–5)
  • One version of the Sinai theophany (Ex 19; 24)
    • A contradictory version of the same incident (Deut 4)
  • One version of the manna and quails incident (Ex 16:1–36)
  • One version of the water from the rock incident (Ex 17:1–7)
  • One version of the golden calf incident (Ex 32:1–29)
  • Itineraries in the desert (Num 21:10–20)
  • The sacrificial animals were slaughtered at the entrance to the tabernacle (Lev 17:3–4)
  • The Levites were first sanctified at Sinai (Num 3:6)
    • The Levites were first sanctified at a later period (Deut 6:8)
  • Yahweh expressly commanded the Israelites to restrict their worship in the promised land to one centralized cultic place (Deut 12:5FF)
  • The Canaanites were completely annihilated (Josh 10:40)
  • Yahweh did not destroy all the pagan people of the land because he did not want the wild animals to become too many (sic)
    • Yahweh did not destroy the pagan people of the land in order to see whether the Israelites would be faithful (Judg 2:22)
  • The process of settlement was quick (Josh 10:42)
  • David killed Goliath (1 Sam 17:1,49)
  • One account of Saul’s death (1 Sam 34:4–5)
  • Saul’s family died with him (1 Chron 10:6)
  • Yahweh incited David to hold a census (2 Sam 24:1)
  • One version of Yahweh’s sundial miracle for Hezekiah (2 Kgs)
    • A contradictory version (Isa 38)

See more, They LIED About The God of The Bible YHWH | SHOCKING MythVision Documentary (May 3, 2024)

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Created: July 7, 2024. Last updated: July 10, 2024 at 16:01 pm

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