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The Old Testament

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The Old Testament

Hebrew Bible
(24 books)
Old Testament
(39 books)
Old Testament
(46 books)
Eastern Orthodox
Old Testament
(49 books)
Original language

Torah (Law)
Pentateuch or the Five books of MosesPentateuch or the Five books of MosesPentateuch or the Five books of Moses
Nevi’im (Prophets)Historical booksHistorical booksHistorical books
YehoshuaJoshuaJoshua (Josue)Joshua (Iesous)Hebrew
Rut (Ruth)RuthRuthRuthHebrew
Shemuel1 Samuel1 Samuel (1 Kings)1 Samuel (1 Kingdoms)Hebrew
Shemuel2 Samuel2 Samuel (2 Kings)2 Samuel (2 Kingdoms)Hebrew
Melakhim1 Kings1 Kings (3 Kings)1 Kings (3 Kingdoms)Hebrew
Melakhim2 Kings2 Kings (4 Kings)2 Kings (4 Kingdoms)Hebrew
Divrei Hayamim (Chronicles)1 Chronicles1 Chronicles (1 Paralipomenon)1 Chronicles (1 Paralipomenon)Hebrew
Divrei Hayamim (Chronicles)2 Chronicles2 Chronicles (2 Paralipomenon)2 Chronicles (2 Paralipomenon)Hebrew
1 EsdrasGreek
Ezra–NehemiahEzraEzra (1 Esdras)Ezra (2 Esdras)Hebrew and Aramaic
Ezra–NehemiahNehemiahNehemiah (2 Esdras)Nehemiah (2 Esdras)Hebrew
Tobit (Tobias)TobitAramaic and Hebrew
Ester (Esther)EstherEstherEstherHebrew
1 Maccabees (1 Machabees)1 MaccabeesHebrew
2 Maccabees (2 Machabees)2 MaccabeesGreek
3 MaccabeesGreek
3 EsdrasGreek
4 MaccabeesGreek
Ketuvim (Writings)Wisdom booksWisdom booksWisdom books
Iyov (Job)JobJobJobHebrew
Tehillim (Psalms)PsalmsPsalmsPsalmsHebrew
Prayer of ManassehGreek
Mishlei (Proverbs)ProverbsProverbsProverbsHebrew
Qohelet (Ecclesiastes)EcclesiastesEcclesiastesEcclesiastesHebrew
Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs)Song of SolomonSong of Songs (Canticle of Canticles)Song of Songs (Aisma Aismaton)Hebrew
Sirach (Ecclesiasticus)SirachHebrew
Nevi’im (Latter Prophets)Major ProphetsMajor ProphetsMajor Prophets
YeshayahuIsaiahIsaiah (Isaias)IsaiahHebrew
YirmeyahuJeremiahJeremiah (Jeremias)JeremiahHebrew
Eikhah (Lamentations)LamentationsLamentationsLamentationsHebrew
BaruchLetter of JeremiahGreek (majority view)
YekhezqelEzekielEzekiel (Ezechiel)EzekielHebrew
Daniyyel (Daniel)DanielDanielDanielAramaic and Hebrew
Twelve Minor ProphetsTwelve Minor ProphetsTwelve Minor Prophets
The Twelve or Trei AsarHoseaHosea (Osee)HoseaHebrew
The Twelve or Trei AsarJoelJoelJoelHebrew
The Twelve or Trei AsarAmosAmosAmosHebrew
The Twelve or Trei AsarObadiahObadiah (Abdias)ObadiahHebrew
The Twelve or Trei AsarJonahJonah (Jonas)JonahHebrew
The Twelve or Trei AsarMicahMicah (Michaeas)MicahHebrew
The Twelve or Trei AsarNahumNahumNahumHebrew
The Twelve or Trei AsarHabakkukHabakkuk (Habacuc)HabakkukHebrew
The Twelve or Trei AsarZephaniahZephaniah (Sophonias)ZephaniahHebrew
The Twelve or Trei AsarHaggaiHaggai (Aggaeus)HaggaiHebrew
The Twelve or Trei AsarZechariahZechariah (Zacharias)ZechariahHebrew
The Twelve or Trei AsarMalachiMalachi (Malachias)MalachiHebrew

Several of the books in the Eastern Orthodox canon are also found in the appendix to the Latin Vulgate, formerly the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church.

Books in the Appendix to the Vulgate Bible
Name in VulgateName in Eastern Orthodox use
3 Esdras1 Esdras
4 Esdras2 Esdras
Prayer of ManassehPrayer of Manasseh
Psalm of David when he slew Goliath (Psalm 151)Psalm 151
Source: Wikipedia

The Bible: Introduction to the Bible | The Old Testament | The New Testament | Quran | Biblical History | The History of Heaven and Hell | Biblical Genealogy | Timeline of the Bible | Lost Christianities |

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Created: July 26, 2022. Last updated: January 22, 2023 at 8:36 am

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